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Red Mansion Fairy 01 (第3/5页)
Fomalhaut drawn by Pinner, Below and on the right side are the Arcturus, the five-carriage star, the Pegasus star drawn by Pine, Below and on the left side are the Pyrex, Dou Pleiades, and Querna stars drawn by Piney. half an hour, Dorothy looked at the 5 million district, On the upper right side are the Swans, the Pleiades, the Vega, drawn by Pinner, On the upper left side are the Hydra, Pleiades, Rigel, Below and on the right side are Draco, Scorpio, and Scarpie drawn by Piney. On the lower left is the Koruo star, Kagu sauce star, Pleiades, drawn by Pinner. half an hour, Dorothy looked at the 10 million district, On the upper right side is the painting of the Seven Southern Sisters, Keluo, Pleiades, On the top left are Barnard' s Star, the Dove Star, the Pisces Star, and the Below and on the right is the Beehive star, Aquarius star, Kepler star, Below and left are Betelgeuse, Lyra, and Betelgeuse drawn by Pinner. Dorothy rolled her eyes again, He whispered again: How could someone spend millions to buy these paintings... 7:30 am, Suddenly I heard a female voice shouting softly from behind: Sister, Sister, Dorothy turned around and looked behind him. It was Barrzhi, a student from the Uy' s Fine Arts Department. Bazhi approached and said, "Sister, why are you here so early? Dorot